Five years after Jurassic World Dominion, an expedition battles the isolated equatorial regions to extract DNA from three massive prehistoric creatures in order to make a revolutionary medical breakthrough. Check out the 10 movies IMDb users are most anticipating in 2025, including James Gunn's Superman, 28 Years Later, and a live-action Snow White... Gareth Edwards "dropped everything" to direct the film, stating before production, "I wanted to take a break and start writing the next movie idea, and this is the only movie that makes me drop everything like a rock and dive right in. Jurassic Park (1993) this opportunity is like a dream for me. And to work with Frank Marshall and Universal, and David Koepp, who wrote the screenplay, I think, are all legends. So I'm really excited." Mentioned on MSK Show: EP 33 | New photo of James Gunn's Superman released | New Jurassic World trilogy (2024)
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