Landman 2024– Download via Magnet
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A modern day tale of the pursuit of fortune in the world of oil drilling in West Texas

See the most popular movies and TV shows by writer/director Taylor Sheridan on IMDb, ranked by user ratings.. A landman, at least one who works in the oil industry, will act as a go-between for exploration companies and landowners. Typically, a landman's job is to negotiate and finalize contracts with landowners with mineral rights to lease those rights to the company they represent.

Referenced in CBS News Sunday Morning: Episode #4424 (2022)

Essentially, they manage the land and secure the lease so that they can drill for oil and gas. Like a foreman on a construction site, they build roads, man-camp housing, supervise the installation of excavation machinery, and drill the site itself, especially in remote locations. They are also part-time repairmen, problem solvers, and managers.

In the pump rig accident, Billy Bob wasn't even holding the pipe wrench properly

As a series and everything Taylor Sheridan does, but where he was a technical advisor. No one on set knows how to advise him on something so basic that I had to replay it when I couldn't believe what I just saw. And at the scene of the accident, a real crew would have the proper equipment and the know-how.

And a handheld explosive gas monitor

Like a 36" pipe wrench that a couple of guys could get behind. No one would hammer on a short pipe wrench. Hell, rate a 2-foot pipe to extend your arm if that's all you've got.

No one would stand on a truck full of pipe and no one is at height without a seatbelt

Having worked in similar places, the show is far from the safety precautions used in the industry, which OSHA says is ridiculous by the books.

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